"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
This quote from the British writer Arthur C. Clarke describes a current trend where technology is more and more moving into the background. Users do not see what is happening in the background. They are working in a seamless environment where the related hardware and software are not seen anymore.
Geo-Segmentation for media in Netflix and others

The Internet is generally seen as a global network without borders. Unfortunately the media industry and especially their licensing model seems to be still stuck in the past where markets could be basically geo-fenced. Here is a personal view on what this means for customers. First experience with streaming…
Installing and Deinstalling Boxcryptor on Mac
Kritische Überlegungen zur Public Cloud
The Swiss IT newspaper Netzwoche was so kind to publish a comment in German from me. In the article I outline my personal view that Public Cloud solutions are not necessarily a good idea for larger companies. Software companies are trying to use this as an “electronic dongle” that creates…
Microsoft OneDrive Business and its SharePoint limitations

I have started testing Microsoft OneDrive Business. Reason was that I signed up for one of the Office 365 business plans because I wanted a proper Exchange server and some cheap Microsoft Office licenses (four Office licenses for half the price of one normal license). The 1 terabyte storage included…